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人生很難?負責人類種的神生也不易好嗎? Life’s difficulties extend even to divine beings guiding humanity.


泓臻不喜歡太空泛的說法,故此請求神靈董事們統計出現時有在處理人類事務上的神靈董事總數量為 591 位神靈。以下為排名及該神靈董事對善信的開示。

This article covers the top ten most challenging deities who handle various aspects of human affairs and face specific difficulties in their divine existence.

Elio asked for statistics on the number of divine directors managing human affairs. The board revealed 591 directors along with rankings and revelations to their followers.

第十位 冥界之主 歐利亞
No.10 Orier, Ruler of the Underworld


Orier, the Underworld’s ruler, doesn’t mind how humans address him. Few can correctly pronounce his name.



Death isn’t what we should fear. The living are more afraid because of the intense emotions and desires that surround us. Instead of fearing death, it’s better to reflect on how remarkable we’ve made it this far. Being alive means we’ve overcome old habits or challenges.

冥王 歐利亞
Orier, the Lord of the Underworld

第九位 人際關係綜合辦公室 結切緣 巴孰
No.9 Baasu – Relationship Management, Office of Interpersonal Relationships


Baasu is a lesser-known deity. Many believe in it and pray at the Ema stone tablets in Kinkaku-ji Temple in Kyoto, Japan. The deity’s name is largely unknown, making its origin unclear.



Relationships are delicate. “Letting go” and “connecting” are art forms. To find new energy, we must let go. It takes courage to move on. Appreciate this beauty.

結切緣 巴孰
Baasu – Relationship Management, Office of Interpersonal Relationships

第八位 人類種的老保母 葉瑪雅
No.8 Yemaya, the Caretaker of Humanity


This group of deities presents themselves as caretakers of the human species, making it challenging to explain their divine origins.



Human life can be simplified by ensuring three balanced meals, being active, resting adequately at night, and staying true to oneself. The rest are unnecessary desires.

大河神族 葉瑪雅
Yemaya, the Deities of the Great River

第七位 輪迴女神 伊榭
No.7 Isei, the Goddess of Reincarnation


Humans mistakenly call her Isis and attribute her many myths and magic to her, making it challenging for the goddess to explain her divine existence.



Without the effort to promote peace among humans, we can never experience true peace. Reflect on the crucial role humans play in both war and peace.

Reincarnation refers to the idea of being reborn after death. The belief is that in each life, we have the opportunity to improve and not repeat the same mistakes.

輪迴女神 伊榭
Isei, the Goddess of Reincarnation

第六位 天之后 伊娜娜
No.6 Inanna, the Queen of the Heavens



Let’s avoid quarrelling and reflect on our actions. We keep repeating the same mistakes. Let’s break the cycle.

天空女神 伊娜娜
Inanna, the Goddess of the Sky

第五位 冰海女王 愛波娜
No.5 Epona, the Queen of the Ice and Sea


Love is not solely about sex. More effort is needed to understand it.

愛情財寶兩兼得的海洋女神 愛波娜
Epona, the Oceanic Goddess of Love and Wealth

第四位 黑卡蒂 及 希絲堤雅
No.4 Hecate & Hestia

第四位兩位女神希望能一併出現,分別是現代魔法崇拜之母:闇夜福音 黑卡蒂女神 及 萬家灶火 希絲堤雅女神。

The modern magic icons Dark Gospel Hecate and Hearthfire Hestia form the fourth-ranked goddesses who desire to appear together.



Numerous individuals claim to act on my behalf, but only a handful have my true endorsement.

Wearing all black and dark makeup doesn’t constitute worshipping me. It’s not my preference.

照亮黑暗的銀光女神 黑卡蒂
Hecate, the Silver Goddess Illuminating Darkness


Some families struggle to have enough food for every meal, even though they desire peace. We may feel powerless to help as we must respect individual choices.

聖火女神 希絲堤雅
Hestia, the Sacred Fire Goddess

第三位 慈航普渡 媽祖
No.3 A-Ma, the Compassionate Savior


The Heavenly Sea Goddess of A-Ma speaks for the A-Ma Group. Don’t question the number of A-Ma deities.


To prevent worsening environmental destruction, we must understand the principle of “as above, so below.”

原初天海女神 媽祖 媽祖部門主管代表發言
A-Ma, the Original Heavenly Sea Goddess, Speaking on Behalf of the Department

第二位 你的神明醫生 保生大帝
No.2 Baosheng Dadi, Your Divine Doctor



Health is precious—nurture your body and mind. Prevention is key. True healing comes from physical, mental, and spiritual balance.

醫藥神 保生大帝
Baosheng Dadi, the Divine Doctor

第一位 人際關係綜合辦公室 首席紅線工程師 月老
No.1 Yue Lao – Chief Red Cord Engineer, Office of Interpersonal Relationships


The deity deserves recognition but prefers humility. I can only congratulate Yue Lao with empathy.


The most challenging part is when people make demands that must be validated once fulfilled.

首席紅線工程師(紅線部門唯一神) 月老
Chief Red Cord Engineer (the only deity in the Department), Yue Lao


The deities who help humans also have their dilemmas and challenges. Although deities and humans impact each other, it is crucial to honour human choices. By considering the challenges of being, we can gain insights and reflections.
